ウーロン茶は渋みが強すぎる気がします できることなら熱い日本茶で味わってほしいです ↓(機械翻訳) If an astringent taste is a thing for which I feel that it is too strong and which can be carried out, I want you to taste hot Japanese tea.
>>630 2ch内の各種変更申請は慣例通りoperate板の専用スレッドへ誘導したほうがいいです (機械翻訳) You had better induced to operate dedicated thread of plate as is customary to say that various modifications within the application of 2ch
>>632 それ大事!葉緑素は心と体にとてもいいです。 It important! Chlorophyll is very good for the body and mind. 緑茶や抹茶はビタミンCも補給できますよ。 Vitamin C can also supply green tea and powdered green tea.