
546 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/01 (金) 13:43:19 ID: fC1k4vxh
Hi, Jim-san living in the heavenly warm country, Philippine.

I've caught a bad cold since of cold winter days in Japan.
I was forced to have an unfavorable holiday today and
had a daydream in siesta, maybe daydream. it was

I'm a crime investigator in police dept.
On an winter day in Mar/2014, a crime occurred which
has deeper relation to 2ch boards. I'll try to find out
many voluntary operators in Japan. Now, it might be
an easy business to have disclosure of their mail
address, etc,. for crime investigation use since the
chairman, you do knowing all of them!. Once we came
to know it, it's sooo easy huntin to follow em up
whenever any case comin. maybe every week or
everytime whenever any incident occurred, they'll be
requested to make a voluntary appearance at the
police station. we shall pick em up to their home,
office, etc. in this way, police dept can have em
feel SO ENOUGH. till they quit.

this is just my daydream, i hope.