
841 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/05 (火) 11:29:50 ID: 0vJoTL19
> 359 : Grape Ape ★ : 2014/03/04(火) 00:31:12.36 ID:???0
> We have made it simpler in the future. It is now a setting on the SETTING.TXT
> BBS_ARR=checked
> Will add All Rights Reserved to the name field.

> 361 : Code Monkey ● : 2014/03/04(火) 00:34:27.80 ID:r/eaz23R0(3)!
> Any board can now add "BBS_ARR=checked" to their SETTING.TXT file to have @転載禁止 appended to the end of their names.

"禁止" means "forbidden", which is added when BBS_ARR=checked.