
655 : Uchida ◆0tqtttWZlc : 2014/03/08 (金) 11:41:23 ID: ModI5bDa
Dear Jim-san,

I'd like to warn you about Ronin plan, and suggest another solution for Matome problem which would be more efficient and beneficial to all participants.

To explian reason of my opinions and make matters simple, I'd like to analize the problem first.

There are 4 main participants.
A: 2ch.net administrater
B: "Matome" websites who scrape contents of 2ch.
C1: Core users of 2ch.net who want to post and read information actively.
C2: Lite users who just want to read 2ch contents.
I'd like to call them "2ch","Matomes","Users(active)" and "Users(passive)" to clarify this post.

Each of them has intents to use 2ch:
2ch:"We want to utilize 2ch contents to earn fair income"
Matomes:"We want to utilize 2ch contents to earn affiliate and access."
Users(active):"We want to use 2ch for discussion and scrawling information actively, and poor user interface of 2ch doesn't matter for us."
Users(passive):"We want to read 2ch contents as easy and simple as possible."

With these intents, it is easy to grasp why Matomes are supported though they are low-quality scrapers.
2ch to Matomes:"Matome steals our user's access to 2ch and our chances to earn fair income."
Users(passive) to 2ch:"2ch contents are too streessful to read, as they are not sorted and edited well."
Users(passive) to Matomes:"Matomes are useful for us as they edit 2ch contents easier to read."

Now roots of current Matome problem is clear.
1, 2ch contents are not user-friendly enough, especially for Users(passive).
2, Matome earns unfair income by scraping 2ch contents, and harms 2ch on which they parasite.
3, Matomes are not helpful enough for users, as they put useless affiliate links and ads to earn.

I consider Ronin won't be a good solution to current situation, and can be even harmful.
Please reconsider two types of users.
Users(active) contain necessary producers of 2ch contents, but whose population doesn't seem so large.
Users(passive) are consumers, whose population seems to be much larger than producers and can be a good source of fair income.
The main reason of Matome problem is because Users(passive) prefer Matomes.
Now, I can state reasons for Ronin's deficits.
Ronin is a plan to earn income by from Users(active).
Ronin is inefficient as intent(to solve "User(passive)"-caused problem) and protocol(by "Users(active)"-based way) are not fit, and Users(active) are minor as income source.
Ronin can be harmful, as it makes negative impact on Users(active), producers of 2ch contents.

To solve this problem, I consider building fair model intending Users(passive) is necessary.
If you're interested, please cantact me for deeper discussion by following contact channels.
Thank you in advance for reading.

Best regards,
Eishirou Uchida (Gmail:meido-ryojunn@gmail.com or Google+ account: Eishirou Uchida)
698 : Uchida ◆0tqtttWZlc : 2014/03/08 (金) 12:16:34 ID: ModI5bDa
Thank you, but it'll be a long and distant way to go...
I have ideas of proper models in my mind, hope Jim-san would agree with what I said in 655.