
6 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/06 (水) 08:22:12 ID: hjiZnOdg
■■既婚女性板自治スレ 48■■


I was shocked when I noticed a serrious vote started
in married women's board.
Are you aware of the fact this vote's started within small
group of people in a rather sneaking manner.
They are making up a "convincing fact" in order to change 2ch to suit them.

Please ignored whatever result they comes up. THIS VOTE IS VOID.

If the vote is inevitable, I strongly suggest to
let the issue known widely to the viewers first.
It's only fair.
26 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/06 (水) 09:19:14 ID: hjiZnOdg
This is married women's board here.
The 2 voting threads were secretly started yesterday.
We cannot accept these threads.
We are still in the middle of discussion right now.