
150 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/03/06 (水) 16:17:14 ID: m2YpM7WB
Hello Jim-san,

Now we can't write in ALL boards of 2ch from ALL MOBILE PHONES.
From smart phone, board says that "Access from your ip is restricted(アクセス規制中です)",
From mobile phone(so-called feature phone or "Garake'e") board says that "ERROR: Writing from overseas is restricted(海外ドメイン規制中です)"
Especially feature-phone users say that they are not writing from overseas and their ip is not overseas(they have \.jp domains)

We can't use 'Kawarimi' too.

Please contact Code Monkey-san and solve this problem

I suggest that 2ch unties restriction of smart phones temporarily because P2 is no longer available.

And it is better to announce the detail of alternative to MARU(=RONIN) to all user like '924thread'
151 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/03/06 (水) 16:18:15 ID: m2YpM7WB
704 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[] 投稿日:2014/03/06(木) 17:52:43.37 ID:V6EGzKed0

You have heard that it was unable to connect the p2.
So please release the restriction taken by management in the past.

as a thing of the old-2ch, p2 is it was paid money is 2ch user without a doubt.
People who were caught up in the regulations, the innocent people can not write for months,
I bought because I wanted to write.

Will it take over regulation only to spread a new rounin?
It is not paid off too.

people maru also p2 also can not write I bought.
And I saw the terrible eyes.
users once am afraid of charging itself more with outflow of maru.
I keep out of p2 this time. I have wasted all.
even though business of old-2ch, had been using the p2 It is 2ch user.
You have any 2ch user before the administration takes the place suddenly one day.
What do I do I trust?

Well Please cancel once the regulations said the management of the past.
Before rounin became popular, you will not really have people from 2ch.
193 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/03/06 (水) 17:50:20 ID: m2YpM7WB


