>>86 名前:vip40011.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/10(月) 15:13:54.20 ID:???
I am ok with this.
I will do it later tonight.
Would you please set BBS_FORCE_ID=checked and BBS_NO_ID=(none)?
Although you wrote it,
setting volunteer "tsukimi" rejected the application.
I want to confirm that Jim-san wanted to do it.
844 名前: Grape Ape ★ 投稿日: 2014/02/22(土) 18:55:52.27 ID: ???0
Please guys. I don't want everyone mad at me.
Let's do it like this.
Make a thread for me on the operations board.
Post the discussion about ID or no ID from your board.
Request on or off ID.
I will make a decision.
If I make the wrong decision, don't be mad. We can switch it back.
You wrote it.
We had discussed for a week, and A large proportion of the votes is positive(61-2).
If you wanted to reject the application,
shoud we think that you already changed your policy?