
593 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/19 (火) 10:46:42 ID: MvDlG7IQ

Other people will cause a problem again"no news source thared", even if we used CAP.

We want to stop "no new source thared" by a method like "thared stopper"

We can't stop "no news source thared", if "thared stopper" is not used.

thared stopper → http://info.2ch.net/wiki/index.php?%CC%B1%B4%D6%A5%B9%A5%EC%A5%B9%A5%C8

I'm sorry, I know you must be busy.

595 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/19 (火) 11:10:23 ID: MvDlG7IQ
Do you know "thared stopper" ?