
687 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/21 (木) 03:29:48 ID: kd0oRL14
You should clearly indicate what is fair use if you write "prohibiting reproduction" to 2ch toppage.
Japanese NEVER know the concept of general fair use because it is not considered enough on Japanese copyright law.
Definition of Japanese "fair use" is not true fair use.
So even Japanese people who actually keep fair use would be puzzled, and might close their websites.
692 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/21 (木) 04:47:30 ID: kd0oRL14
Good afternoon.
698 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/21 (木) 05:27:41 ID: kd0oRL14
Foreign IP seem to be restricted to prevent using Tor and VPN.
713 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/03/21 (木) 07:30:50 ID: kd0oRL14
If you say "United States as the 'home' of 2ch", it is very important to spread this toward all of 2ch residents.
We don't know yet that we have to obey either Japanese or United States' copyright law.
We are confused by treatment of copyrights. And we don't know about fair use so much.

Non affiliate site administrator with goodwill might shut down his site immediately.
On the other hand, somehow greed affinia would try to distort explanation and to resume reproduction.

Bad money drives out good. - Gresham's law

That's all my concern.
Best regards,