
484 : 予備政治士官(PPO) ◆MVChfC0L7Y : 2014/04/28 (日) 04:46:20 ID: hhGdnV8F

Do I have to quit, and a look at the report?
I know you are a very busy.
"I see later"(あとで見ます)
I do not mind even the answer.

"Operations that you have to accept" I have finished.
I sad when it is ignored.

What army became unreachable for the command center will be?
You should know.
486 : 予備政治士官(PPO) ◆MVChfC0L7Y : 2014/04/28 (日) 07:56:32 ID: hhGdnV8F
Thank you.
Code Monkey-san

Jim is also very busy until tomorrow?
I will wait and see.
I'm sorry when busy.