
315 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/11/03 (日) 15:35:29 ID: o533Z8l0
Hello , JIM

I was changed without permission without any consultation to the users of the board . Please return to the original .
Also , it seems I asked , ignoring the people of the opinion that had been opposed .

>340 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/11/03(月) 23:32:50.45 ID:???0 ?S★(711000)

Please immediately return to the original settings now .
I do not want to follow in that it was arbitrarily decided in only part of the human .
( They are , in order to ensure that the opposite is not out of many , did not the announcement )
also is the user they came from another board . Originally of residents did not want the ID-open.