191 Grape Ape ★ 転載ダメ©2ch.net[sageteyon] 2014/11/18(火) 21:12:54.09 ID:???0
I had already ordered inside the restaurant.
No smoking inside, so I went outside to the convenient
tables set up outside for smokers.
I lit up and within 20 seconds the waitress came
out the door and took the cigarette from me.
It made me really angry because not a lot of place
to smoke on the EMPTY streets of Nagoya by
the train station. Maybe it was a no smoking area, but
it certainly was not listed as one, and most decent establishments
that set tables up outside have the tables there for smokers.
I will never return to that Pancake Coffee Shop 88.
They lost my business forever.
JIM、店員に砂糖を取られた仕返しが怖い [転載禁止]©2ch.net [927213481]