btw now K5 incident calmed down. Thank you all involved, and sorry for confusing you.
I'll try to give full details from the beginning next time we need your immediate rescue.
Now what to do next...
K5 obtained at least 3 CAPs from the form
and he could also easily phish (steal) several CAPs
from other unexperienced/naive reporters to do more vandalism.
I sincerely recommend reconsidering the current way of issueing reporter CAPs without any screening nor training.
It's too vulnerable against vandalism, and we no longer have to worry about lack of reporters like last Spring.
It should also be mentionned that K5 were given the CAP named "赤翡翠 ★" by drunker-san,
which is the name of an old operator;
that's why some reporters were fooled by phishing and worsened the situation.
There are many other confusing or offensive CAPs now. One shouldn't issue CAPs with such names anymore.
Thank you.