
718 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/01/08 (水) 23:13:08 ID: CB6UjvIH
Hi Jim-san,

newsplus is seriously destroyed by a vandalous reporter.
please see the board and remove "inagoNews ★" ASAP.
(I should say drunker-san's way of giving/controlling CAPs is iffy.)

720 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/01/08 (水) 23:39:34 ID: CB6UjvIH
mornin' Jim-san, but please see to >>718 first!
It's no joke!
723 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/01/09 (木) 02:11:09 ID: CB6UjvIH
Mango Mangue-san seems to remove this vandalist CAP,
so maybe you don't need to do something now. Thank you anyway.

BTW this troll is still trying to do phishing using another CAP.
he's called "K5"... possibly you know this famous troll.
724 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/01/09 (木) 02:21:55 ID: CB6UjvIH
I really cannot understand why drunker-san gave him CAPs and didn't take them back
knowing he is "K5" himself (yes he knew.)
But he did similar thing before (with another troll with CAP "あひるちゃん ★").

I think it's high time we stop giving CAPs blindly like >>721. It's really dangerous.
We alerady made it past May, didn't we?
725 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/01/09 (木) 02:31:11 ID: CB6UjvIH
Ah he is again devastating newsplus with another CAP he phished in >>723's thread.
I recommend you to ask Mango-san or drunker-san for explanation afterward.
726 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/01/09 (木) 03:02:46 ID: CB6UjvIH
Now mnewsplus and news4plusd are under attack.

The troll was/is posting thousands of threads titled '唐澤弁護士を誹謗中傷するのはやめろ'
at the pace of 60 threads/min.

Mango-san is chasing and erasing them so maybe you cannot see the threads now,
but you can see them with bbynews headline. It's really horrible.

Maybe we need to call the police?