
389 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/11/09 (土) 12:02:45 ID: HHjrUPbN
Pretty well? So, why do they grieve?

There is the way performing very well for a long time.
Particular volunteers judge an application about them to read the autonomy thread thoroughly . The administrator don't touch usually.
The volunteers are ちぇりもや@設定組 ★, まほら ★ and Jack ★ at present. I think Jack ★ is suitable too.

ちぇりもや@設定組 ★ and まほら ★ are they. Don't you know them?
391 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/11/09 (土) 13:44:42 ID: HHjrUPbN
I know 2ch/pink is noisy. Frequently it looks like to be the assholes.
But feces show disease sometimes.

Reason of their grieving is diffculty of the vote on web. Web is overflowing with vandals.
If an important part of the system is down, we should't exchange the another incompatible part.
The online vote is worthless often in current.

I suggest not using the vote and using smart men for judging. They will work as dikes also.