
208 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/10/22 (火) 15:39:03 ID: NLhhDuXu
> Apparently admin ★ <small>転載せんといてや &copy;2ch.net</small>
The "&copy;" letter seems to raise problems in many places, including dig, headline RSS and 2ch browsers.
Is it possible to replace it with (c) or something?
210 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/10/22 (火) 16:41:54 ID: NLhhDuXu
Fixed string is very easily avoided anyway.
The messages needs to be randomized in order to work well, eg.


We can add more spaces, slashes and dots randomly like:

複.製 is ダ/メなの だ