
37 : AIrlines board [sage] : 2014/09/15 (日) 13:52:55 ID: d4wiG+Mc
Dear Jim san,

Thank you for your everyday work. It will be tough.
From the Airlines board, we are thinking to have the Prefecture Indication like


We need to know your opinion before the formal request for changing SETTINGS.TXT.

In 2chan, boards like "AIRLINES" have many travellers as participants.

If they are in the US, Europe and any country in the world, it might be
a big fun if their name comes with "アメリカ合衆国" ”英国" or "ジンバブエ".

The point is, don't you think this will have a good reason for them to buy RONIN?
If you provide some discount for the foreign participants, this will also help
expanding the market of RONIN system.

I just wanted to know how you will feel about this.
