
620 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2015/01/01 (水) 18:41:07 ID: r7ooy7v5
Hello, Mr. Jim.
We are suffering from some troubles in the 2ch. ;-)
The sum of sentence's characters are being restricted just like as Lv.1 apprentice, even if Lv.40. Especially it is distinct in the newsplus.
Probably it is related with sudden attacks of Japanese Abe administration which marred the 2ch.
The members of neo-Nazi like PM Abe are troubled when whistleblowers reveal their crimes in the 2ch.
Therefore there are net agents called netouyo. Of course, they are also inside of the 2ch to prevent accusers from leaking the terrible truth.
Abusing permission of administrators, those agents prevent users from putting URLs on boards, as well.

It was found that Tamon of a manager who was publishing cap of the newsplus's board was a member of the LDPJ Supporters Club!

[Sad news] A man had sent an opinion to a newspaper publisher to criticize the LDPJ. Afterwards someone scattered his personal information in the newsplus's board of 2ch.

Jiminto Net Supporters Club
(A official agency of net agents for "Liberal Democratic Party (Japan)".)