
404 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/11/15 (金) 04:42:12 ID: uNJBAFVC

When writing in your VPN using VIP of 2ch, the alphabet "h" appeared at the last of ID, but what is this?
Since it is shameful, I want you to stop.
If this system comes to be used for other places, it will become impossible for me to be in the feeling which can continue subscription of your VPN.
405 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/11/15 (金) 05:15:51 ID: uNJBAFVC
Rewriting --


When written in VIP of 2ch using your VPN, "h" of the alphabet appeared at the last of ID.
What is this?
Since it is shameful, I want you to stop.
If this system comes to be used for other places, it will become impossible for me to be in the feeling which can continue subscription of your VPN.