Happy Birthday to you. Would you do us a favor, maybe tommorrow if you have time?
Although I don't know if you know this spammer, he contines to post hundreds of spams
everyday for more than a year. He speeded up and start to post more spams lately.
It seems he started to use ●(Ronin) since he exceeds number of set posting limits.
Could you stop his ronin account, pliease? I think there is no place to ask for it in
pink channel (I know there is a place in 2ch for that purpose)
http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/sm/1382884769/126 2015/11/20(金) 19:21:47.67 ID:p+eWSQ2E
http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/sm/1265402977/639 2015/11/20(金) 19:22:17.34 ID:p+eWSQ2E
http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/sm/1380447942/293 2015/11/20(金) 19:20:44.77 ID:p+eWSQ2E
http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/sm/1150452334/481 2015/11/20(金) 19:20:08.82 ID:p+eWSQ2E
http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/sm/1169208554/356 2015/11/20(金) 19:19:35.34 ID:p+eWSQ2E
http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/sm/1133959231/695 2015/11/20(金) 19:19:02.04 ID:p+eWSQ2E
http://nasu.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/sm/1239106778/651 2015/11/20(金) 19:18:29.06 ID:p+eWSQ2E