I'm Takuya , an akb board user and a kenmomen.
In akb board 【http://mastiff.2ch.net/akb/】 , Recently ,
space for name was changed from hidden place name to indicated place name 【『名無しさん@実況は禁止です@転載禁止』→『47の素敵な@(県名表示)へ』】.
But , most of board users didn't know all , and we noticed after the change.
This is akb board users's reaction.【http://mastiff.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/akb/1421149484/】
And , the vote for this change , there are 20 name proposed .
But , in 20 names , there 19 hidden place names , and only one indicated place name.
In addition , this vote was not to be known to all.【http://kanae.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/vote/1419531044/】
We think this vote is ineffection.
We hope that you have time for spend for us , and restore the space for name【to 『名無しさん@実況は禁止です@転載禁止』】.
Sorry about a long text.