And why would they be into cloning? Because you can only rape and murder a child once, unless you develop the means of cloning your favorites. Then you can rape and murder them over and over.
Just remember where Q came black nigger with AIDS, not wherever you go. Let that sink in worthless faggot.
>clintons gave nuke tech to chinks
>bush stood by while bullshit software patent trolling stifled US internet innovation lead
>onigger gave drone tech to sandniggers
Actually checks out. Traitors will hang.
>Kids can be turned on with drugs.
How is that relevant you closet pedo? Before you kill yourself let me explain that even if a kid is "turned on", any sane non-evil adult wouldn't even think about, let alone consider, having sex with said kid.
>anons hating
You don't know where you are. Imageboards are fueled by hate, specifically nigger hate, faggot hate, normie (You) hate, and kike hate.
No, they weren't. She's a menopausal larper conning beta orbiter cucks. You deserve to be taken into her scam but don't bring her shit here faggot.
Faggot FBI, the PEOPLE's safety lies in their arms and spilling tyrant blood. you wouldn't want the tree of liberty to go thirsty now would you?
I saw that guy's interview on the dumb Camelot Cunt's channel. His info was interesting, but she's as usual an insufferable vagina.
>implying the niggerbrain is capable of complex game theory
https://youtu. be/dcmKZ63T0ac?t=14s
>voter fraud
>7 days before q mentioned sec
Really dots the i's and crosses the t's.