Anonymous ID: c9a58b Dec. 16, 2017, 4:35 p.m. No.109975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

About ET/UFO Disclosure - there are actually two possiblities. False/partial disclosure, or true disclosure.


False disclosure = using aliens as distractions, military programs, trading or exchange of some sorts, no talk of important things, no mention on dislodging of the cabal, basically going deeper into the darkness, new control systems "for our own good". No idea how this might happen but end result is not good for us. Curb your enthusiasm on this one if it happens. See it for what it is. Greys/reptilians usually go here, but any appearance can hide negativity. The dark government loves them because they traded technology in exchange for abductions.


True (positive) disclosure = Aliens appear as loving and supportive but they don't do anything instead of us, urging us to learn from our mistakes - here is IMPORTANT emphasis on spiritual development. These beings NEVER force anything onto anyone. Beautiful humans and humanoids go here, but any race can be positive. They don't have contact with governments because the wish to liberate people without giving dangerous technology for free does not sit well with the evil satanic cabal.


Stay on watch and use your intuition to determine what happens IF it happens. But don't focus on this too much, you have the whole world under your feet and inside your head that needs cleaning.