hf comm ID: 191c56 Nov. 29, 2017, 12:28 p.m. No.11217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1240

found this a while ago


***note I'm not religious but am open to spiritual emotions etc


these could be written by a schizo but there are like 200 of these i have saved with tons of names.


Global Crime Syndicate


The Black Nobility of Italy are the top of the global crime syndicate. They own and run the Vatican, Jesuits, Sovereign Military Order of Malta as well as La Cosa Nostra. The Vatican and Switzerland has been in contract for centuries and that is why the Swiss Guard protects the Vatican today. The Vatican and Switzerland are the only two nations that use a square shaped flag on the planet. They use private Swiss banking to conceal their wealth stolen from nations and wealth from the dues paid to them through their organized crime syndicates. It has been estimated the Italian Mafia inside the United States make up to 90 billion per year. The Black Nobility are involved with the Bank for International Settlements which is siphoning off wealth from the central banks and then laundering and concealing it in private Swiss accounts. Their top Swiss bankers are Prince Vittorio Emanuele IV of Savoy, Prince Lorenz of Belgium, and Archduke Sigismund. The Holy See is a corporation owned by the Black Nobility and operates at the Vatican City State. The Holy See has owned the City of London Corporation since 1215 and also owns most of the European Crowns. They are using a series of corporate subsidiaries or proxies to conceal their corporate contracts and fraudulent claims to ownership over corporate governments. The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002 section. Federal buildings in Washington DC are Roman architecture and use the ancient Roman fasces symbol on the buildings and federal seals. Washington DC is located in Virginia and Maryland. Virgin Mary Land. Novus Ordo Seclorum is Latin and translate to New Order of the Ages and is on the United States Great Seal and US dollar. The Vatican and Holy See use Latin as the official language and for official documents. The All Seeing Eye on the dollar represents the Holy See.


thought this was interesting too





The fire in Portugal that has killed more than 60 people was a sacrifice carried out by the secret societies and specifically the Cult of Mars. They make sacrifices to feed their spirits because they are dead parasites cut off from creation. They then use the energy from sacrifices to fuel their spiritual warfare and witchcraft. The Grenfell Tower fire was another sacrifice that killed 79 people. Holocaust means a wholly burnt offering. These people are insane and murderous. Most accidental deaths or untimely deaths are sacrifices carried out through covert means and through witchcraft. The reason they are making these recent sacrifices is because they are getting weak and losing power and money.


A massive forest fire in Portugal has killed at least 62 people


The Grenfell Tower fire occurred on 14 June 2017 at a 24-storey, 220-foot (67 m) high tower block of public housing flats in North Kensington, west London, England. The Metropolitan Police has said that 74 people are missing and presumed dead, while a further five dead persons have been formally identified, bringing the presumed total number of deaths to 79.[1]