Anonymous ID: 50e6e2 Nov. 29, 2017, 12:33 p.m. No.11236   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Alex Jones is the master of the limited hangout. He came to be a little before 9/11 and basically rehashed what Bill Cooper had been publishing for years. When Cooper died, Jones more or less took over his material and made it sound like it was his own. Definitely not to be trusted. Infowars is like Veterans Today for the younger crowd, the same way Rense is the poor man's Art Bell.

Anonymous ID: 50e6e2 Nov. 29, 2017, 12:51 p.m. No.11304   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I don't think so. Remember the CIA is only about 70 years old; they basically took the Gehlen organization and re-branded it.

Think about it: you can't just decide to build a spy network from scratch…you need time to infiltrate and place your operatives, etc etc.

Gehlen the nazi spymaster came on board with the US, and it became the CIA. His networks became our networks, so to speak.

The keystone, if anything, HAS to be much, much older.

I would venture it's more likely to be the Vatican, i.e. the Roman Catholic Church…essentially a re-branding of the original Roman Empire. I am currently reading a History of the Jesuits so, I will let you guys know if anything juicy comes up.