Anonymous ID: 8475d8 Nov. 29, 2017, 12:10 p.m. No.11143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1441

It's so dumb when shills try to tell us that an apple is a banana like they do on CNN.


Shill fags, you're not dealing with the moron general public. You're dealing with people who have brains, are autistic, extremely observative, and hate liars and pedo/weirdo/gross/sick shit.


9/11 was OBVIOUSLY an inside job. OBVIOUSLY Bush/Cheyney/Rumsfeld/etc KNEW all about it. They were the ones trying to convince everyone that Iraq had "Weapons of Mass Distruction" when they obviously did NOT, and how would they unless WE gave them to them?


The 'Vegas Massacre' was ALSO planned in advance. They had people there ready to steal the footage from other casino's. Where's the footage? Yeah…


Israel was planned. This entire thing has been going on since AT LEAST the war for American independence from Britain in 1775. The royal family, still butthurt from being defeated and losing their dynasty on the planet for their world takeover, have since been planning this invasion of our country.. except rather than with guns, they did it secretly, by infiltrating our system, using fake Jews to shore up our resources, and fake news, bullshit, propaganda, television, internet, entertainment, etc as weapons of distraction to pull it off.


And it almost worked. But ACTUALLY INTELLIGENT people have been watching the entire time. Helplessly watching..