Anonymous ID: f5e4eb Nov. 29, 2017, 1:09 p.m. No.11395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1414 >>1505



The StarGate Project was the code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The Project, and its precursors and sister projects, went by various code names—GONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK, SCANATE—until 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as "Stargate Project".


In December 2007, SRI launched a spin-off company, Siri Inc., which Apple acquired in April 2010. In October 2011, Apple announced the Siri personal assistant as an integrated feature of the Apple iPhone 4S. Siri's technology was born from SRI's work on the DARPA-funded CALO project, described by SRI as the largest artificial intelligence project ever launched.

Anonymous ID: f5e4eb Nov. 29, 2017, 1:23 p.m. No.11449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1505



CALO was an artificial intelligence project that attempted to integrate numerous AI technologies into a cognitive assistant. CALO is an acronym for "Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes". The name was inspired by the Latin word "calonis," which means "soldier’s servant". The project started in May 2003 and ran for five years, ending in 2008.


The CALO effort has had many major spin-offs, most notably the Siri intelligent software assistant that is now part of the Apple iOS…

Anonymous ID: f5e4eb Nov. 29, 2017, 2:05 p.m. No.11613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1667



What the hell?


CALO assists its user with six high-level functions:

1 Organizing and Prioritizing Information: As the user works with email, appointments, web pages, files, and so forth, CALO uses machine learning algorithms to build a queryable model of who works on which projects, what role they play, how important they are, how documents and deliverables are related to this, etc.


2 Preparing Information Artifacts: CALO can help its user put together new documents such as PowerPoint presentations, leveraging learning about structure and content from previous documents accessed in the past.


3 Mediating Human Communications: CALO provides assistance as its user interacts with other people, both in electronic forums (e.g. email) and in physical meetings. If given access to participate in a meeting, CALO automatically generates a meeting transcript, tracks action item assignments, detects roles of participants, and so forth. CALO can also put together a "PrepPak" for a meeting containing information to read ahead of time or have at your fingertips as the meeting progresses.


4 Task Management: CALO can automate routine tasks for you (e.g. travel authorizations), and can be taught new procedures and tasks by observing and interacting with the user.


5 Scheduling and Reasoning in Time: CALO can learn your preferences for when you need things done by, and help you manage your busy schedule (PTIME published in ACM TIST).


6 Resource allocation: As part of Task management, CALO can learn to acquire new resources (electronic services and real-world people) to help get a job done.