Anonymous ID: f4816a Dec. 17, 2017, 4:10 a.m. No.112443   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2447

>/cbts/ has devolved into board feuds, nametrash singing Tool, and Christians reading from Barnes & Noble-tier occult books

It's like a bunch of teenagers having a slumber party. You know, if you type "tantra" into a search engine and visit forums to talk to actual tantra practitioners, they'll explain a lot more than Tool lyrics and books can. There are a lot of types of tantra. Most of them are harmless. If you bother to learn about the harmless kind you'll easily begin to understand how and why people would abuse and corrupt it. The answers will surprise you, if you bother to look.

Anonymous ID: f4816a Dec. 17, 2017, 4:29 a.m. No.112488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2495

Esoteric means "known only to a few".

If you try to explain esotericism to people, most aren't interested in learning.

So it stays known only to a few.

If someone tries to explain it, and you say "I already know it means Lucifer blah blah" then you don't learn and it stays known only to a few.

You can't stop the Rothschilds until you understand it.

You won't understand it until you learn it.

You won't learn it until you admit you might not fully understand it yet.

See how that works?

Occult means "hidden". No one forces it to be hidden. Most people just won't learn about it.

So the hidden stays hidden, and that which is only known to a few stays known only to a few.

No one is keeping the information from you, except you.

That's the truth. Take it or leave it.
