one correction- Mueller didn't flip. They hoped to flip Mueller, but whatever the NWO blackmailed him with to earn that FBI directorate is more compelling. Mueller is team rothschild
>How do you know this?
I'm speculating. but I know how men work, so my speculations are usually valid. I don't think it's even reasonable at this point to assume Mueller is some brilliant mind playing the opposition. Look at him, he's aged twenty years in six months. He's a trapped rat acting on adrenaline and instinct.
First, we know Mueller is a weasel. It would be unwise to accuse him of the sin of nobility or selflessness. He made deals with satanic pedophiles for years for the power that it offered him under Obama.The Satanists were so pleased with Mueller in the FBI that he maxed out the number of terms he could serve. In Mueller's FBI, the tactic of grooming innocent losers to frame for for bogus terrorism charges that the groomers actually planned became a standard tactic. Mueller was the director of the FBI when Holder was running guns into Mexico during Fast and Furious. Mueller is a swamp rat if there ever was one.
We also know that these satanic pedophiles use blackmail routinely. Do you think there's much chance Mueller slipped under their radar and became director of the FBI under Obama without proper satanic vetting? How many videos of Mueller raping children do you think exist in underground data vaults in tel aviv? Do you honestly think a Trump admin threat to smirch his reputation has more motivating power to Mueller than what the NWO potentially has? I doubt it. They probably have a video of him tossing babies into a woodchipper.
Mueller leaked that he's subpoenaed documents from after Trump won the election, and he did so to change the narrative because two days prior the "insurance policy" text of strzok was publicly released. The entire conspiracy to remove a sitting president took shape before the public, so he leaked the existence of those emails to try to hold Trump at bay a little longer. If Mueller were team Trump, he wouldn't have improperly obtained ten thousand emails from the sitting president after the election.
emergency vehicles arriving on scene. look like fire engines
> If I were GEOTUS I would likely show him mercy too
If I were potus he'd die being taken into custody and a plastic gun would be found next to his body. hillary too.
>At this point, I'm confident Trump's guys have those basis covered.
At this point Trump's power rests entirely on the support of the military. A president has to trust his military leadership if he is considering implementing martial law because it gives that leadership the ability to remove that leader if they choose.
A real achilles heel in Trump's armor at this point is that NWO funding of the resistance hasn't been cut off. The Rothschild's are still in play, Obama was on TV starting up a new child trafficking ring, Hillary gave a speech in Canada (so much for the tracking anklet theory), and the propaganda channels are in full war mode.
But we've already seen the courts denying legal orders from Trump without legal reason, so he can't employ investigations and prosecution to cut off the funding, he has to rely on his military loyalists, and while there may be many rank and file soldiers that are loyal to the president, the generals are who matters.
If some tragedy occurs and Trump has to declare martial law, his generals will remove him from power if they are disloyal. In fact, with the power they have over the media, they will most likely pull off a false flag, then when Trump declares martial law they will seize power and then use control of the media to spread the propaganda that Trump was actually responsible for the false flag and they heroically assumed power so that he couldn't do it again.
it's a chess game. someone has to push a piece out there next, and each move is dangerous now. There are no guarantees.
ellen degeneres episode airing 12.15.17 HRC seen wearing "boot"
The 2 assumptiong upon which your argument is based -
you are assuming Mueller will act nobly
You assume the gun that Trump is holding to his temple is bigger than the gun the NWO is holding to his other temple