QBLH is real. they are obsessed with numerology and cryptography. think john dee. monas hieroglyphica. to me, math is a huge key to it all. the torah is a polyvalent computer code. some use it for good, some use it for evil. it is older than you can possibly imagine. all myths are coded, to hide the true meaning and keep people stuck in fantasy land. Water:
attar + W. attar=fire of the zoroastrians. zoar=seed. astr=star. beginning to get it. space=waters above. shemayim=fire water. mayim = waters in the ocean. nun=fish. . . salt water=seed/semen. fire water=plasma (a fluid).
gnosticism/qblh ties it all together. cryptography, planetary physics. . .thing Q source gospel. Q=9 in gnostic geometry and greek isopsephia. 9 is the number of sophia, over 888 christ, over 7 archons/deadly sins/saturn. 888 opens the door to 9/sophia/pleroma. 888=firmament crossing. . .produces rainbow body (think new star wars when luke (lucius/lucifer skywalker). it is all right there in your face.