Anonymous ID: 1862ac Dec. 18, 2017, 3:08 p.m. No.119793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9867 >>9874 >>0049




Has a lot of great advice. I can give some specific pointers/thoughts about your field report however.

>I asked her is she would have preferred Hillary and I actually can't remember her response because I was so saddened and disappointed.

Consider that offering Hillary as the better option corners you in responses. Consider asking who she would have preferred to be president. If it's Bernie, remind why that didn't happen. Indicate that the people behind that were behind a whole lot more, including the media blitz against Trump. Determine if they are aware of any of the other things Trump has done. Good OR bad in your opinion (or the other's.) Point out that it's kinda weird that they don't know about those things when it's actually something happening versus this pushed conjecture for months. Remind them how CNN+MH370 was another example of the same behavior by media. Get some info put together on how the investigation is falling apart. Ask these people to consider WHY/HOW this shitshow was allowed to happen. Because whether they like him or not, they can agree that it is a shitshow.


Actually, FUCK people. The biggest point here is to get these people to START thinking and START asking questions. Yeah that's harder than just throwing infographics out there, but if you just get them to do some memorization, it'll get wiped the next time MUH DRUMPF goes on CNN. Also remember two things. 1: trying to turn someone clearly against your views is already a huge, slow, uphill battle compared to someone, say, already right wing or center (i.e. people who actually voted for Gary Johnson in the last election.) and 2: There's probably more than a couple politically interested people out there than you think. Think more about who DOESN'T talk than who does. Especially when the conversations/jokes come up. I followed the election very closely, but make a point to only discuss politics with family or people who bring the subject up and didn't seem the type to REEEEeee out. They tend to be shocked that I read anything on the subject. A lot of them are far better to talk to even if you disagree on certain subjects.



any idea which bread or a link?



>Anons will have to realize that 1 our of 20 will not be able to absorb the information.

Practically programmed to change the subject altogether. Cognitive dissonance is a BITCH, speaking as someone who's dealt with a lot of it both on the giving and receiving end of breaking it. Like dilbert merchant says, the dissonant(?) either has to do ANYTHING to not admit they were wrong about something, or they have to admit they are wrong. And the longer a lie is around, the harder it is to shatter that lie.