Anonymous ID: 439d39 Dec. 23, 2017, 7:29 p.m. No.161796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2203 >>9095

God Bless Q and the white hats, the MI and our military. God Bless President Trump.


I am torn. I am 80/20 of Q's original plan.


1) Opinion on Trump >>141051

This right here. Our own people will say we've gone Korea nuts.


2) War. With full disclosure, the world will make war on us. Our republic would end. The US is the last redoubt of freedom. Imagine the world making war on the US, the now-unrecognizable EU +Britbongistan, Russia+China. We can't fight the whole world. And the winners would be the nations who have already been taken over. Evil would swarm in like locusts. Im not surprised to hear other opinions think that this is what the deep state wants, to watch the entire world burn because they didn't get their way now…and they'll pick up the pieces after.


Which is precisely and exactly what they wanted before, when Hillary was going to win….push war with Russia, maybe China and NK if that doesn't work, hide in their bunkers, then emerge to take control of what's left.


Full disclosure ends up with the- exact same results as their original plan-. So an absolute and resounding no.


3) Our government, and our president, need protected…because they are us and they are ours. Our Constitution needs protected. Our nation must stand. America really has been the only free nation, and even that they've been planning to undo since it was settled. We must protect this country, and we must continue to make it better. We can't throw out the baby with the bathwater.


4) People can not take it. They can't. We are different which is precisely WHY we're here. But they can not take it. Run on the banks, collapse of society, War of the Worlds type suicides. The worst has to be kept from the masses, it really does. For peace to happen, yes.


5) We get disclosure. But for the rest of the populace who would slash their wrists, we have to be Batman. Let the worst stay in the realm of plausibly deniable conspiracy theory so that they can sleep at night.


6) But How do we keep this from happening again without disclosure? How do future generations protect themselves if they remain asleep? We need watchers. We need info. We need our social media to be free speech…any social media operating within the US needs to run by US laws, not EU laws. US laws for US citizens.


7) We will spread only to those who are CAPABLE of knowing. We must be the original Freemasons–that was their job–keeping an eye on freedom but sadly they have most probably been corrupted at the top and now they are hard working drones collecting money. But when you are anonymous, there is nothing to corrupt, no organization to infiltrate. Anons will have to carry the messages, keep the light on, and spread to those who are capable and who want to be red-pilled. Not everyone does.


Then Jesus said, "Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear."