Anonymous ID: bd4370 Jan. 9, 2018, 8:05 p.m. No.257987   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q why is there NO safe place for whistle-blowers people w/ real evidence abt False flags in past, documented on audio corruption by courts/leos, & evidence of who connected to murders on audio. been attacked/attempted murders/shot at many times/pets killed etc & NO safe place to go? as GOV is still compromised. Yet have info on gov setting up clone operations to a past FF that will tie into a new 1 they R working on the seeding & connections to harm POTUS. U bust those trying to kill me win win for potus & huge bigly win in media. IF Erik is part of Ur team, or IF U all via National Security lvl took over board. U know how to get in touch w/ me. do so. If it is Erik I have great way to confirm it's him as R things I know that only he would know/so match prove creds. There R people still being harmed/killed setup or in hiding w/ fams threatened that R patriots, but hanging on by threads. got it. & no safe place to call. U know how dirty Comey is. can give details easily meta/other proof of dirty BATF/DOJ director too. not rumor humint lived it/ have ways of proving it. & NSA can back all this up


Great way to red pill masses & get all those U need to expose NOW is to get REAL truth about OKBOMB/BOMROB the PATCON teams out. Say like time for release of files was UP like JFK (still not full truth) & dump. Those SAME orgs/people R active now. & they dusted off some shady folks from then, & made there clone operation. & U know the 1s then/now that had ties to clown Phoenix program. 3 ASAP arrests by U all & at least short term safe. Really a potus win win. U know what connected to & how good that would look. 1 convicted pedo on probation gov does nothing about violations. They R domestic terrorists.


The dirt on all those who MUST B immediately EXECUTED does NOT give new folks power. ergo correct expeditious justice of quickly executing all these bastards. NO BS fake crap. no BS lying REAL deaths ASAP. release all truths


Otherwise NO ONE is ever really safe. & it will still go on, & will get worse & happen again. Look YOU NEED to seize & take over the freaking BS clown CIA IN-Q-Tel BBG freaking networks LIKE CNN nationalize it as 24hr USA network. Use repeating shows to explain stuff, give real info & red pill past acts.


Never made sense how UNder trump/Sec state Tillerson w/ full legal authority could have FIXED the BS as the foreign dissemination of new totally controllable that comes out of USA.. so why is CNN still playing in OUR Airports, & allowed to broadcast lies about US that R a threat to US all & National Security allowed to continue?


ASAP freeze/seize ALL assets CIA & their literally100s of thousands fronts, & those they control via $ given through programs before & then In-Q-Tel & BBG Broadcasting Board of Governors. they get all the back doors violate ALL of our Civil & Human rights & fuck us all over. end it. They run at least 2 of largest global lawfirms DLA Piper (totally does In-Q-Tel, & tied to false flags etc. U know this) & Sidley Austin. then the domestic firms like those connected to Comey's past. means US takes over Lockhead Martin. Raytheon, Emhart, Black & Decker, TRW, Iridium, Boeing, SAIC, Booze allen hamilton, RAND, tons of Foundations, counsels & BS..


Do it. U know how they all got there. easily traceable & so many in the know R still alive.


ALL companies tied to BUSH fam/extended fam U know R crooked & from CIA drug/arms running & why as soon as George HW Poppy was VP illegally had TON of SEC records to do w/ his families businesses for 10 years pulped!! WE kNOW. We've known for decades. Jebs “board mtg” ordered Barry Seal murder, then his missing plane found on W's Crawford TX ranch


The stupid parts Q posts R not inherently proper to use for psychological motivation. the U sick yet? or too much to swallow. NO nothing none of it is. WE KNOW. WE want FULL disclosure & some of us need REAL help ASAP as lives in danger. & come out & trying to fight like hell w/ what we have left to fight a battle to the death to save a future for our children. Understand. but NEED some help. 2 many dead from all this shit. Need some help as NONE coming from county/state all corrupt, & NONE from ANY gov agency at all. Yet they have proof, U can prove this easy.

Anonymous ID: bd4370 Jan. 9, 2018, 8:24 p.m. No.257993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>123217 then IF Q is part of Putus plans then they are deluded, & no better than the death we already have. Just a shortly postponed death.


Also seems Potus is too isolated. He is also old and vulnerable. He knows it, & constantly in danger. Pence GOP is NOT who we voted for. And once Trump named him as running mate it really made many people stop believing what he was saying was true, same for cabinet & other posts. Lots of career bad guys.. So we have problems, he has problems. GOP/BS Republicans stuck him w/ PENCE to get support. Same time GOP was & is planning his downfall. Thing is we need to show GOP they are the same as Dems & we will not tolerate them or their candidates. enough of the bread & circus false perception of choice w/ no choice and all owned/controlled by same masters just a different flavor/faction fighting for higher rank/protection/goodies in NWO. Its all a deadmans game.


WE need Potus to be healthy protected & be able to do real things. But IF he is not going to do the right things for us to be free we only exchange our cages/or where our chains on us end on other end.


He is oldest to take office. Understand that. That is a problem. They also give him crap when he goes to get fresh air, sunshine, a little exercise, relax and golf/chat. Insane as he runs his WH & is active. O was out having homo sex, & w/ choom gang & he was total puppet so WH ran even is he was dead & stuffed in a chair.


So if U are saying Q told u NO disclosure on this stuff. then we will have to end up in a bloody uprise against them.. I am already dead.. so will do what ever it takes to protect my children, their future, safety and freedom.


It makes NO sense not to disclose make public what MUST be made public. This is how he will get the insane/mentally worthless left to at least not burn down all our cities. They will continue to ruin his presidency. The whole damn Gang of 8, a most critical body is full of criminals, leakers & need to be arrested asap.


Look all past pres need to have security clearances removed ASAP. NEED EO that Obama's records he is hiding, & all PAST presidents belong to USA people. the A is critical. not the US corporation but real USA.

Anonymous ID: bd4370 Jan. 9, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.258001   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q first off have Trump order EPA or who ever to stop putting freaking BS chemicals in USA water supply that are 1st off hazmat controlled toxic industrial byproducts, but that are & were in past used to control make gulag/camp prisoners docile, & STUPID.. blocks up our high functioning centers of brain pituitary. U do that may go a long way on helping spread truth to drugged poisoned population. People were shocked that he never stopped it and still allowed. We could have been 1 year into it & people detoxed by now. DO IT. THAT would B a HUGE proof to us that Trump really means what all this eludes to being.



OK I figure from what U wrote a few things. U are young, & you only recently redpilled. George Webb does get some stuff. but understand all of this has made him a bit nutty. It does that. Because how else can you explain him constantly protecting Obama. Saying oh Im sure that was not him, he did not do that etc..


Also you confuse a few things here. Not all disclousure effects other countries.. in a negative way as most dead or handled. You think this way seems because a recent red pill. Understand controlled pimped out whore that USA has become is responsible for millions & millions of genocide/murders/assassinations/& fucking w/ everyones elections.


But US Deep State has done crime upon crime against USA at home. Name a mass shooting, bombing, etc & not BS, but some facts & people who had some intel or heads up before hand it there. U will also find very public federal drills. Everyone in DC etc has known USA is freaking supporting terror. Started w/ Mujahedin (all always Israel source of global hell terror, the hub for porn, abuse of children, sacrifice, & organs ok.. it is Kingdom de la Rothschild always was, has NOTHING to do w/ the House of Israel or those of line of Jacob… got it.. the scams/control & ancient sick shit is really old & that is how the roman catholic church created & what they forged for control of masses. Roths control all their money banking in bed w/ them. See pics of Popes bowing kissing ring of Roths many through the years to many dif living Roths contemporary) Mujahadine then rebranded over night to btw w/ the name of a CIA computer database like DOJ uses for our mil, but for israel/Crown corp/UK/US terrorists around world.. they think that is funny.. it was a big joke laughed at all over DC parties, etc.. even mentioned in UK parliament & yet sheep are so stupid & media lies. Al nusra front many factions etc then over night called them ISIS. over night recall that.