Anonymous ID: 6f315c Dec. 18, 2017, 8:30 p.m. No.121347   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ok. Just woke up. Any (((solid))) CONCLUSIONS on the train thing with the 6-3 (13?) dead and 77 injured by DuPont near Olympia, WA that the satanist Soros funded Antifa has (maybe) been blamed for?


Anything else happen? I skimmed through the threads, but of course there's tons of shilling after each 'event' so it's like 50/50 and difficult to tell what's bullshit and what's not unless you're watching the threads in real time.


Looks like a satanist move, perhaps. I'm in Wa.


Anything else new? (anything SOLID?)


I've realized that sauce == source

Walnut sauce == Gannett source ;)


Godspeed anons. You're doing God's work and an excellent job at that. Praise be to the diggers, autists, and all good people working hard. I wish I wasn't just a crazy guy with a computer, but that's pretty much what I got going on. kek