Once again Q, I'm sorry I have nothing to add to the effort and that spreading crumbs and maps over in Poland hasn't been very productive on my side, but I will repeat what I said way back on 4chan:
Thank you.
You have given me hope again, hope which I hadn't had for the last at least 20 years. Hope that things will finally change for the better and that once again we will control our destinies - and I'm starting to see the tiniest slivers of positive change, even here in Central Europe. I mean, I'm not blind enough to think there will be no more strife and no more bad actors ever again, but the alliances you have forged between superpowers to get the Cabal will have, I hope, the same effect soldiers in the trenches have - they form an unbreakable bond, fighting against a common enemy, and an enemy who is undeniably evil at that.
Thank you, thank you so much Q. It's such a nice feeling, being able to hope again, and I owe it all to you.
Praying for the operators. Praying for the controllers of those operators. Praying for you, POTUS and the entire world - we are awakening.
Polska może jeszcze spać, Europa jest ponoć ostatnim krokiem dla was, ale ten Polak będzie wspierał was w wybudzaniu narodów. Za wolność waszą i naszą, Q.