According the the Krabalion by the Three Initiates, Hermetic Science lists 7 universal laws.
1) Mentalism
2) Correspondence
3) Vibration
4) Polarity
5) Gender
6) Rhythm
7) Cause & Effect
Think, "As Above, So Below"
Mentalism states that "All is Mind".
Correspondence states that every aspect of the mind has the ability to correspond (communicate) with every other aspect of the mind.
Vibration, Polarity, Gender and Rhythm are the forces at play during this correspondence.
Cause & Effect is the way the communication from the highest realms effects the lower planes of density.
From here the communication takes the new cause and communicates it back upward to the higher realms, using the same processes that occurred during the first part of the communication.
Apply this set of universal laws to A.I. and see if they make sense to you.