>Hussein v HRC v McCain
The 2008 presidential campaign <shouldhave been a simple HRC vs. McCain contest.
Either way would have been fine for the DS, but then Kerry pushed BO into the limelight at the 2000 DNC convention, got him elected to the Senate, and challenged HRCs first run. BO wasn't supposed to do that well in the primaries, just well enough to sit on the bench during HRCs term, but then HRC was a lousy candidate in the primaries and BO was smooth. John Edwards was also a problem, but he got taken out in a - surprise! - sex scandal. Someone started pumping money and organizational expertise into the BO campaign and pushed HRC into an exhausting and expensive 50 state primary race that didn't end until the convention. Her big-donor money for that race had to come from somewhere. And she had to pay it back when she didn't win the first time around, one way or another. She cashed in her chips at the convention, got SecState as a lucrative consolation prize if she conceded. By the time it was BO vs. John M., she had to re-organize her plans by running money through the CF in exchange for whatever she could…and to bankroll her next bid.
>Why is this relevant?
Put her in a position to owe a lot of people a lot of money . . . for two failed presidential bids.