Senate votes today as well.
Home stretch!
All nonsense to distract from bad news.
As long as they keep people stupid and away from their very dirty hands, people will not understand and they think this will keep POTUS from putting them into jail.
Bad mistake. Nothing can save them now.
PHP warning.
"Invalid argument supplied for foreach()"
very common issue in PHP. No big deal.
SOROS caught, code says.
"Special place is Camp David" per POTUS.
Q said we have a "Special Place" for GS (George Soros)
Hence, Soros was extracted from ATL on 12/17 and being kept at a Very special place - CAMP DAVID. POTUS left Camp David right around the time GS was caught.
Flight from ATL to IAD (Dulles) is only 80 miles from Camp David.
Makes sense to me.