We must look at all the evidence of backyard photographers who have shown stars are much closer than we've been told by those with fancy telescopes.
We must look at all the evidence of backyard photographers who have shown stars are much closer than we've been told by those with fancy telescopes.
Q - What stage are we in?
>flush them out
Enemies of the State are flushing themselves out
In this Newsweek article:
>Richard Painter (WH ethics lawyer under GWB)
>Ron Nehring (GOPe strategist, Ted Cruz spokesman)
“If Robert Mueller were to get fired, the only responsible thing to do would be to convene both the House and the Senate Judiciary Committee immediately—and I don’t care if that has to happen on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's or whatever,” said (((Painter))) “We’d have to swing into action in 24 hours.”
Sick'em Boys