Hey the Donald ever do any biz in NY, betting the POTUS has known about this chit for a long time
50K cash smuggled by flight attendant from NY to CA, drugs, guns or politics (my guess)
OMG what a joke, download this,
" This budget is fiscally responsible.
This budget is progressive.
This budget is honest"
wtf for the DOT 500 million a year
http://www1.nyc. gov/html/omb/downloads/pdf/sum5_14.pdf
Nothing to see here
His father is a Connecticut Superior Court judge, with chambers in Waterbury, Conn.
Yes we are going way back , these dems have been in for 40 years, no wonder back with playboy was big, pedo island is the new playboy
How did maxine get rich? must be some major dirt for taking a knee to truth
So I am guessing underage women/boys simple adultery wouldn't be enough to sell your soul that long, it would have to be jail time not just a divorce
They sing when they are caged, if I got one present for Christmas it would be that awipe CS in flipp'n prison but he probably is singing soprano with whats left of his nuts and will get light sentance.
YES hence clinton got off because comey said "no fraudulent intention" how convenient
So I think Hollywood madam is just the spice, all these sick fks banging with the fav hollywood stars but the hollywood wasn't the real purpose, how do you get a politician to come play with some girls in the grotto? " Jack Nicholson will be there" done deal
I believe the raids at SA will really start world peace, once the mixers are gone, now movie theaters in SA, see how the rest of the world lives, communication is the red pill to the world like China, you can't hide freedom anymore.