2nd that.
>Those cars are in too good of shape for it to have been 80mph.
>If doing 80 all would be dead.
Gimli's mom
what is not connected to everything. wow. ty anon, nice find
shills hate Alex
Just warming her up
That is one big disaster waiting to happen. Could be the biggest in out history
Clearer in his messages as well. Its just evolution or part of the group. I see no cause for concern, anon.
>he chooses not to cover certain "conspiracies" (read: truths). He's an entertainer for sure.
But some he is the only source on before the others are forced to cover it. I use him for what he is worth.
I have yet to speak to anyone who buys the LV official narrative. The public is catching on before we get involved.
the road less traveled
won't be long