They told me the same! I haven't been able to drive a car for 2 years after nearly being killed twice on the highway, car completely shut off while going 65mph. Have videos of them flying drones over my house and then having the audacity to text me about "Save the bees" (drones) and putting dead birds in my driveway and on my porch after I had a private conversation with a friend how I never saw a dead bird before. Random stuff like that and the list goes on and on and on and that's not even the electronic weapons that affect my health! My vagus nerve and teeth were targeted and dreams were analyzed and programmed. SIGINT and HUMINT work together. I unfortunately KNOW these people personally before this all happened. And they admitted to it knowing very well I would sound insane and be ignored if I told anyone. Ruthless!
Thanks. Just having a moment. Guess I should be used to being exposed by now lol.