When I say normie, I mean just plain, no special skills like the Info Warriors here
I have always believed that there was just a few who controlled us, not a damn cabal.
I took the blue pill but every once in a while I want the red one back because their depravity is just so against GOD and what it means to be human.
But I shouldn't be surprised because
The rich get richer
Poor get poorer
Here is the crazy thing, I have seen these elites up close and you know what, I am so not impressed.
Got my own stories,
BC Is smooth
HRC A nightmare
BHO doesn't know how to say thank you
Bob DeNero, arrogant and rude
These were just a few that I wouldn't piss on if they were on fire because they treat normies like they are nothing.
Life isn't normal but damn did it have to go seriously Twilight Zone bizzaro
God bless and good night.