So this Paris Martineau also did a part about '4channers' eating onions to 'try to be more manly' apparently she get's all her info from /b/
Anyone in meme mode? I have an idea, but I'm working on other crap.
Like.. a liberal shopping or thinking about purchasing something, and it has good things like "Peace, love, tolerance" But then it also has "War, pedophilia, slavery, mysterious suicides, satanism/occultism" and they're thinking "Well, at least we get "peace!"
Or something like that. I thought maybe someone carrying a shopping basket with the words of all the things included in the 'new age' religion that come with it as part of the 'deal'.
I dunno. Just a thought. Might be a little heavy or misunderstood the meaning.. basically saying that the leftist retards are willing to accept all kinds of horrendous stuff in the background, just so they can be gay and accepted.
Yeth? :)
If Q were Alex Jones, nobody would be able to chat on here without being interrupted. ;)
Thank you sir! You guys are kicking ass, that's all that matters. Amen. MAGA/MEGA, Prayer, XOXO(nohomo)
Other stuff, posts from other breads:
Richard Painter (WH ethics lawyer under GWB)
Ron Nehring (GOPe strategist, Ted Cruz spokesman)
Bill Binney -Q Former NSA
Q transmission Dec 19 17:33 EST
>>126896 Mockingbird panics
>>126948 Alien distraction
>>126998 Mockingbird panics BIGLY
>>127012 NO UN Troops
>>127064 Dec 18 OP sucess
>>127069 National Guard/Chicago
>>127154 ENEMY FIRE
>>127286 Day of days
>>127379 SA missle attack/Fox 3?
>>127397 Bill Binney (NSA whistleblower)
>>127421 Alabama voter fraud/404'd confirmed
>>127429 Bill Binney PATRIOT of the highest caliber.
>>127449 Kushner/End is near.
Paris Martineu
Iris Weinshall
Heidi Fleiss
Dutch PostcodeLoterij (state-given monopoly / Abramovich)
Richard Painter (WH ethics lawyer under GWB)
Since Jan of 2017, has been trying to SUE Mr. Trump (part of the CREW Lawsuit) for not selling assets in his own companies (Emoluments Clause) which states:
"No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state."
Obviously a deepstate/cabal shill with dirty money in his pocket. Using his wonderful lawyer 'skills' to keep the cabal's pedo-ring business going.
What a fucking scumbag. All these fucking people are fucking pondscum, but much worse.