Anonymous ID: 6d4622 Dec. 19, 2017, 9:48 p.m. No.130979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Focus on SSAnon’s work.




Why did the WH link posted turn up 404 (2) days after?

Expand your thinking.

Do you believe in coincidences?



12/12 night of AL special election link to WH article on EO to establish Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity was broken/got 404 error. Still 404’d


Only way to view EO 13799 is here:


Pence is chair. <15 appointees by POTUS with experience in election stuff or any other individuals with knowledge or experience that the President determines to be of value to the Commission


Mission to study the registration and voting processes used in Federal elections. Basically advise on fraudulent voter registration, fraudulent voting, improper registration, improper voting.


Misdirection by MSM’s-weapon-suppression-voter-purges


(From wiki)

Current Commission membership[41]

  • Chair: Mike Pence, Republican, Vice President of the United States, former Governor of Indiana

  • Vice Chair: Kris Kobach, Republican, Secretary of State of Kansas, Of Counsel, Immigration Reform Law Institute

  • J. Christian Adams, Republican, former Department of Justice Civil Rights Division attorney

  • Ken Blackwell, Republican, former Ohio Secretary of State and previously state Treasurer

  • Matthew Dunlap, Democrat, Secretary of State of Maine

  • Bill Gardner, Democrat, New Hampshire Secretary of State

  • Alan Lamar King, Democrat, probate judge of Jefferson County, Alabama[42]

  • Connie Lawson, Republican, Secretary of State of Indiana

  • Christy McCormick, Republican, Commissioner of the Election Assistance Commission

  • Mark Rhodes, Democrat, Wood County, West Virginia county clerk

  • Hans von Spakovsky, Republican, former member Federal Election Commission, Senior Legal Fellow - Heritage Foundation

Former Commission members

  • Luis Borunda, Republican, Maryland deputy secretary of state, resigned July 3, 2017 (prior to the commission's first meeting, but after the controversial letter by Kris Kobach to election officials in the different states)[43]

  • David K. Dunn, Democrat, former Arkansas state representative, died October 17, 2017[44]


Road blocks

  1. Kobach & DOJ letter request voter rolls, etc. states claimed didn’t get or passed to other depts. email and website provided in letter was unsecured. Issue resolved 7/25

  2. 19/20 democratic states refused to comply, plus AZ, MD, MS, ND, SD, TN WY. HI & MT wrote N/A (meaning what exactly?).

  3. Some states sued.

  4. June 17th formally HR3029 bill to defund commission

  5. Schumer calls for disband of commission


Expand thinking: ALABAMA will comply with voter records request on or about July 8, 2017.

Has AL done so? The cost is $32,000 to get copies of 3mil voter roles.


ARK sent data to Redstone Arsenal - secured server located in Huntsville. a census-designated place (CDP).


Expanded thinking- gerrymandering, redrawing districts, Special election AL map had doubled blue counties. Read that black vote netted +3%, yet almost as many votes for Jones as Obama got in 2012. Would a special election draw so many Dems? Moore was a flawed candidate but enough to turn state blue?