Anonymous ID: dbb107 Dec. 19, 2017, 9:21 p.m. No.130771   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Especially government operatives:


While we have the opportunity in this tumultuous time of change, please do everything in your power to encourage Q and all others who have the capability to fully release the files they are in control of pertaining to the blackmailing of our politicians and the dark secrets of the cabal.


If this information is kept secret, there will be no real change. Someone else will use it for their own benefit (J. Edgar style) or the same pattern of extortion will repeat itself and we'll be back to where we started.


The evil that has been done must be exposed to everyone so that we, as a people and as a culture can reflect upon our capacity as a species to allow this kind of evil and see the ways in which it can corrupt our existing institutional system.


Do not fool yourselves. A fundamental structural and cultural transformation needs to occur or the problem will not be solved.


The people who you may be afraid of betraying by releasing their dirt have already made their choices in life. There time has come. Let the light shine. Out with the old, in with the new.


DO NOT cling to your current power structure and pretend that things will be better now that you have used this knowledge for good. This knowledge must be disseminated to ALL the people and passed down through the generations in order to avoid its pitfalls again!