Not for long…And yes ET as in extra terrestrial as in angel as in celestial being as in from the heavens as in ayyyy lmao as in messengers as in Nephilim as in Satan as in fallen angels as in good angels like Gabe and Mike n dem. We got good angels and bad angels in every legend ever told. Probably a reason for those stories to live on til today. Just sayin. Alien and Angel are the same term. Angel is just easier for some to swallow b/c conditioning. Q has never once said ayyys were a distraction….
>>13388 I 100% think this idea is real and wondering if BO is on his way home yet or home yet? Anyone know? Perhaps the jig is up and his assignment is now done? Getting closer? Pretty sure the proxy war involved RedShields and their cronies, perhaps Is-rael? I never got war vibes from Russia, funny as that may sound. I'm a hippie who relies on vibes. I always got the vibe that Russia and China are /ourguys/ and always tried their hardest to avoid conflict with US even tho US was being controlled by dark forces.