Who or what is HLR? What does (first) mean?
Is it Harvard Law Review?
Is it somehow connected to the 13th district attorney?
Who or what is HLR? What does (first) mean?
Is it Harvard Law Review?
Is it somehow connected to the 13th district attorney?
"The Asia Foundation (TAF), a Central Intelligence Agency proprietary, was established in 1954 to undertake cultural and educational activities on behalf of the United States Government in ways not open to official U.S. agencies."
Sildley Austin reference is likely pointing to Obama's internship since we are connecting to HUMA crumb.
Is HLR Harvard Law Review and how is that related if so?
Use advanced search operators to refine your search engine searches.
e.g. site:www.sidley.com Obama
Maybe he is trying to connect the HUMA - SA - Harvard crumbs?
Anon posted about this earlier and it might be relevant.
Gulftainer, Rostec (Russian Fed) portable shipping container cruz missile systems Club-K, Jafar family (former Sadam Hussein Nuclear Scientist).
Haven't cross referenced names yet.
"We are now learning more about the serious security compromise at Port Canaveral and its adjacent military infrastructure.
The container port is not only close to U.S. Air Force facilities and NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, but more importantly, it is adjacent to our strategic ballistic missile nuclear submarine base. A Nov. 2 Center for Security Policy updated “occasional paper” exposes this “perfect storm” of a threat tied to Russia’s Club-K container missile system.
Gulftainer is co-owned by Hamid Jafar and his brother Jafar Dhia Jofa, Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapon mastermind and the emir of Sharjah. By way of character reference, Mr. Jafar was on U.S. Central Command’s hit list and could be engaged at any time as a legitimate military target during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Working for Saddam Hussein and in close collaboration with the Russians, Mr. Jafar’s succeeded in designing the “Beach Ball,” a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit on the Club-K cruise missile."
"Unbelievably, a 35-year lease was issued by the Obama administration to Gulftainer, a Middle East company co-owned by the Iraqi Jafar family and the emir of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates. Gulftainer not only is connected to the UAE but also to the Russian-controlled Rostec firm — all this with no security review. Key is the fact that Rostec owns 100 percent of Rosoboronexport, the exporter of the Club-K container cruise missile system."