We see the war happening.. so now what? Why dig? Why meme? Why pray? Because cleaning up government corruption doesn't address the root issue. When we have more freedom and less oppression what will we do with it?
Warfare is fought on the battlefield of our minds. What truth can you see? What heroes can you see? What can you say to effectively make a difference in the midst of warfare?
Thinking for yourself requires research, documentation, and peer-review. Dig to see the truth around you. Document to connect dots. Share what you have found for the peer review process to take place.
If you want to control a people break the bonds between father and mother, parent and child. This is where the civilian war is taking place. Why is single parenting praised and the nuclear family systematically removed from academia and society at large? Why are biological gender distinctions being destroyed?
A meme is only a bit of information that can replicate from mind to mind. Don't get frustrated with the people in our lives who do not base their thinking or actions in defending and enhancing life. Instead call forth the creative genius in you and be effective. ETERNAL VIGILANCE