Don’t stop this anon! Make these snowflake boomers cringe! Only 2 possible outcomes… snowflakes leave (preferred) snowflakes redpill (win). It’s win win phamalam
Don’t stop this anon! Make these snowflake boomers cringe! Only 2 possible outcomes… snowflakes leave (preferred) snowflakes redpill (win). It’s win win phamalam
>how to redpill normies
As a start leave out all the ayyyylmao bullshit. Surefire way to make people think you are crazy is to babble on about fucking ayyyys. A possible start is to make them feel uncomfortable with their own day to day lives… bring up (((kikebook’s))) altering of news feeds to control emotions. Explain how media is controlled by the same few families. Start connecting the swamp dots. Why are the same 15 or 20 people found all over Washington? Why do the same names keep coming up? Podestas, chucky, wiener connections…
gotta spoon feed normie cunts. Can’t start convo with ‘uncle Adolf did nothing wrong’ but you sure can end it that way!
Fuck off back to your (((safespace))) we don’t want or need you babyback cunts here. Also please consider an-hero